Ladders Not Required: How Contractors Can Eliminate Onsite Visits and Increase Accuracy with Aerial Imagery


The Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows construction and extraction have the second highest workplace fatality rate compared to other industries in the United States. OSHA’s most frequently cited hazard in 2023 was falls. There is an urgent need for proactive safety measures across the industry, so how are you mitigating risk for your teams in the field before you even step on the jobsite?

Contractors typically don’t have access to exterior or site plans on existing buildings. As a result, they’re left to perform physical site visits, exposing workers to potential hazards like unstable structures or adverse weather conditions. These onsite visits also increase labor costs, waste time, and can require multiple trips. With advances in construction technology, many have turned to satellite images to access project information, but their lower resolution is unreliable and inaccurate.

Enter aerial imagery. These high-resolution images of projects will enhance efficiency and decrease risk in your roofing preconstruction process! Let’s review why aerial imagery is crucial to your roofing business, and how STACK’s integration with Nearmap keeps your teams safe and hyper-accurate.


Auto-Scaled on Import

No need to find known measurements or to manually set a scale.

Additional Oblique Images

Understand surfaces and angles with views from all directions.

Up-to-Date Images

Always access the most current images available for accuracy.

Export for Presentation

Provide images to your customers with or without your takeoff included.

Why is Aerial Imagery Vital to Your Preconstruction Process?

Enhancing Safety Through Aerial Imagery  

Aerial imagery allows contractors to remotely survey and assess roofing projects with unprecedented detail and accuracy. High-resolution drone photography provides comprehensive views of the roof, enabling contractors to identify potential risks and plan accordingly without setting foot on the site. This reduces the need for workers to navigate potentially dangerous environments unnecessarily.

By utilizing aerial imagery, contractors can conduct initial assessments more swiftly and safely. This proactive approach not only mitigates the risk of falls but also enhances overall project planning and management. Detailed aerial views enable precise measurements, which in turn facilitate more accurate cost estimates and material calculations, leading to fewer surprises during the project execution phase.

OSHA Compliance and Risk Management

Adhering to OSHA standards is crucial for ensuring workplace safety and avoiding regulatory penalties. Aerial imagery supports compliance efforts by providing comprehensive documentation of site conditions and safety measures implemented.

Contractors can use aerial data to develop detailed safety plans and risk assessments tailored to specific project requirements. This proactive approach not only safeguards workers but also enhances client confidence by demonstrating a commitment to safety and professionalism.

Improving Efficiency and Accuracy

Beyond safety benefits, aerial imagery significantly enhances efficiency. You can streamline your workflow by reducing the time and resources traditionally spent on jobsite visits. Real-time data capture allows for rapid decision-making and adjustments to project timelines, minimizing delays and optimizing resource allocation.

The precision of aerial measurements reduces errors in estimating material and project costs. This translates into more competitive bids and improved profitability for roofing contractors using our software. Enhanced accuracy also fosters better communication with clients and stakeholders, ensuring alignment on project scope and expectations from the outset.

Increase Efficiency, Decrease Risk: STACK + Nearmap Integration

The STACK and Nearmap integration empowers contractors to mitigate safety risks and maximize efficiency with high-quality aerial images and hyper-accurate preconstruction tools. Without ever visiting the project site, you can seamlessly import high-quality aerial images into STACK, leveraging all of our industry-leading takeoff and estimating features to measure, add materials, finalize estimates, and create proposals.

The integration specifically empowers roofing contractors to deliver precise and detailed estimates on projects like re-roofing, storm damage, and repairs. What used to be a time-consuming task taking hours can now be accomplished in just minutes by reducing the amount of time contractors have to spend onsite. Nearmap imagery enables roofing contractors to view hazards remotely, like building height, landscape features, and powerlines, mitigating safety risks and reducing worker’s compensation rates. Estimators can expedite quote generation, ensuring customer satisfaction, while increasing their chances of securing more projects. The utilization of high-quality aerial images enhances the professionalism of the quotes, instilling confidence in project owners and assisting contractors in winning additional contracts.

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The adoption of aerial imagery represents a pivotal shift in how roofing contractors approach safety, efficiency, and project management. By leveraging technology to conduct remote assessments, contractors can mitigate risks, comply with regulatory standards, and enhance overall operational effectiveness. 

Are you ready to ditch the ladder? Elevate your preconstruction process with STACK + Nearmap, increasing estimating accuracy and mitigating safety risk!


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